Wonder what Self-care has to do with a Booming Business?  Well it doesn’t matter, what kind of business you have, if you don’t take care of yourself, it is difficult to be productive, focus, and support your clients and team.

When you cancel your appointment with you, it’s like cancelling with a friend. Business owners are especially at risk of dropping self-care because they are so busy with their “to do” list, they forget to take care of themselves.    Cancel one too many times and you will not trust yourself.  Would you continue to be friends with someone that misses meetings with you? Losing trust can impact your self-worth over time and lead to self-doubt.

When you take care of yourself, you feel better.  In this step you will learn to break free of doubt and societies expectations.   You’ll learn to take time during the week for self-care and relaxation.

Here are some great tips to work into your daily life.  Many are simple and take very little time. These five will get you started.

  • Have fun: Scientific studies indicate aside from improving your moods, laughter can reduce stress, help fight infection, and reduce pain.
  • Boost Energy: A combination of regular exercise, proper nutrition, and sleep work together to keep your body functioning at its best.
  • Respect yourself:  When you notice yourself thinking negative self-talk, replace it with something good about yourself.
  • Organize your space:  Take time to organize your space, eliminate anything you don’t need.
  • Simple pleasures: Take a few minutes every day to notice something beautiful around you.

All of these things will help you to take better care of yourself and improve your feeling of well-being.  Notice your beautiful surroundings.  Women forget how lucky they are to have their five senses to appreciate the things around them every day. When you are noticing these things, you may be inspired about a new product or service for your clients.  You will be more productive, be able to focus.  You will have more to bring to your clients and team.  This can impact your business bottom line.


Laurie Zerga

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