I used to get defensive when someone would tell me, “You’re spoiled, and you get everything you want”.  I felt guilty and defensive and would deny it.  Then I realized, wait a minute, I do get a lot of what I dream about.  I had to dig deep to notice what I was doing, and then I learned about the laws of the universe.  Now don’t get me wrong, I never really knew what I was doing, and I accidentally manifested sometimes, and other times, I failed.

I learned about making goals in life, and using techniques like smart goals, and project planning to attain them. I’m still on the journey of discovery, and here’s what I know so far.  Because my college degree was in Business Administration, and then I worked for large corporations, I learned to write annual, quarterly and monthly objectives, as well as weekly action steps and review to track things. I did this for many years setting goals for my department at work and a plan for my career, remodeling a home, and even taking a vacation.   And many people have found success in some shape or form using these methods.  This aligns with taking action towards your dream with a slight adjustment.

The big problem with this is that in the original methodology, “failure was not an option”, and when road blocks popped up in the corporate setting, the general consensus was to do whatever it takes to make it happen on time and on schedule.  We “pushed” through; we forced things into place to make it work.  This model is extremely stressful.

However, I’ve learned some things along the way.

  1. Everything happens in right timing.
  2. The sun still comes up and the moon still rises whether my project gets completed on time or not.
  3. The risk of no vision or decision for action results in analysis paralysis or no movement towards your dream.
  4. Setting a habit or ritual of reviewing your dreams and vision on a regular basis AND taking action are the key to moving towards your dream.

Once you have some information on your dream and ideas of action to take, it’s a good time to put your CEO hat on and consider your personal strategy.  Create the actions you would like to accomplish for a specific time period, perhaps a year, a quarter, a month.  Define the actions in terms of your business or career, your health, relationships, time and money, health and wellness. The important thing is to start a habit of reviewing your dream and taking action from where you are in the moment towards it.  This is what the timing might look like for you personally.

  • Once per year – create a 12 month vision , Health, Relationships, Vocation/Career, Time & Wealth, Spirituality
  • Quarterly: Review annual – and lay out what you would love to do for the next 3 months.
    • Check in with the annual vision – Are you tracking to the vision?
    • Do you need to make adjustments?
  • Monthly: Review the month
    • Can you project the next month?
    • Adjust – Define Goals
    • Smart Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based
    • Reflect on the prior month, make adjustments
  • Weekly – Review the week just past and the week ahead – are you tracking to monthly?
    • What should you do this week to support the monthly goal?
  • Daily – List 5 things to do today, make a list of 3-5 thing for which you are grateful, create a list of anything else you want to attend to later.

Each person can determine what will work best for you.  Perhaps you are in transition and 1 year out is overwhelming.  That’s ok; try a month or a quarter to start.  Sometimes we just work day by day.

Find out more at http://FemininePowerFlow.com

Laurie Zerga

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